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  • Katarina Seleci

Was COVID-19 created to eliminate an aging population?

From young to old—it is important to understand that people of all ages are at risk of contracting COVID-19.

Photo by Manuel Peris Tirado via Unsplash

The Conspiracy

COVID-19 is a virus intended to eliminate older people—in essence, it is considered to be a form of population control specifically targeted towards the elderly.

Part I:

Origins of the Conspiracy

With growing numbers of baby boomers entering the retirement age, there is a perception that they are using up too many societal resources. Older populations are considered to be increasingly burdensome, and harder to attend to based on their complex needs. Addressing these needs through retirement, medical, and other social benefits is costly.

Photo via Healthcare Finance

According to this line of thinking, because the elderly no longer contribute to society, and because their dependency increases, they are perceived by many to be lingering burdens who simply take up space.

By early May of 2020, controversy emerged over the large number of elderly residents who had passed away in long term care settings, comprising up to 80% of total COVID-19 deaths in Ontario and Quebec. Given this crisis, the army was called in to run several inspections within long-term care homes in Ontario and Quebec,

Not only did this give way to speculation that COVID-19 was specifically targeted to seniors, but it also gave clear confirmation of just how disposable elderly populations are, in terms of poor standards, and insufficient regulations and oversight of long-term care homes.

The Facts

Though elderly populations have been among those most vulnerable to COVID-19, this does not mean that COVID-19 was intentionally created to eliminate older people.

Moreover, seniors have recently been given priority to receive vaccinations, and health officials have begun to pay closer attention to long-term care homes.

It is important to dispel conspiracy theories such as #BoomerRemover because they may perpetuate ageist attitudes and potentially create further harm, such as anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns among older adults. In addition, the safety of individuals could become further at risk, as a growing rate of mistreatment, poor conduct, and abuse continue to gain exposure in long term care facilities, public spheres, and even in domestic settings.

Part II: "The Hashtag"

Origins of the Conspiracy

Starting in March 2020, the #BoomerRemover hashtag surfaced on Twitter, which claimed that

This conspiracy was seemingly sparked by observations that COVID-19 disproportionately affected elderly populations, as individuals began using these claims as tools to get their loved ones to stay home.

Despite the trend of younger individuals being admitted into hospitals in the U.S, the conspiracy persisted.

Photo via Wix

The Facts

The #BoomerRemover hashtag was initiated in the United States in early March 2020, by a millennial on Twitter who (misguidedly) meant to make light of the pandemic. This post, which garnered attention from other social media outlets in the following months, was a speculative and, according to many, offensive provocation, not based on facts.

It is true that older adults have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 because their weaker immune systems make them more susceptible to infection. In addition, they are more likely to have underlying health problems. In Canada, and other countries, long term care homes with poor public health protections have heightened older adults' exposure to the disease.

However, there is no evidence whatsoever that COVID-19 was intentionally created to cull the elderly population.


Origins of the conspiracy:

The Facts:

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